Extended Essay Reflections

by Lindsay Martinez

Throughout the writing of your essay, you have to write a total of 3 reflections. A common misconception about the extended essay is that your supervisor is allowed to help you and review your essay any time you want at any point of the writing process. The truth is, your supervisor is only allowed to give you feedback once throughout the entire process. This isn’t a lot of help that they’re allowed to give you, so you want to make sure. that your first draft is your very best first attempt so you can get accurate and helpful feedback.

Your reflections are written at the beginning of the writing process, the middle of the process after your supervisor gives you feedback, and at the end when your essay is turned in.

Above you’ll find a list of the reflections you have to write. In order to find where to write your reflections, log onto your Managebac account, click DP manager, Extended Essay, and Planning and Progress Form. Here, you should find three empty slots that you’ll be filling with your reflections as you get deeper into the writing process.

Your reflections should be thorough and have as many details about your thought process throughout writing the essay as possible. Look through each bullet point listed in the picture above to get ideas on what to write, and add anything else you feel may be important to your EE writing process.


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